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লোকেশন: আমাদের অফিস বা গুদামের ঠিকানা জানতে ওয়েবসাইটে CONTACT US ভিজিট করুন।

আমরা ৫ বছর ধরে ২৪ ঘন্টা গ্রাহক সেবা দিয়ে যাচ্ছি।

How Often Should You Lube Your Motorcycle Chain? – A Guide from BikePartsBD

Proper chain maintenance is crucial for the performance and longevity of your motorcycle. Lubing your motorcycle chain regularly ensures smooth operation, reduces wear, and helps maintain safety on the road.

How Often Should You Lube Your Motorcycle Chain?

  • Every 300-600 Miles (480-960 km): As a general rule, it’s recommended to lubricate your motorcycle chain every 300-600 miles or after every long ride, especially if you’re riding in harsh conditions such as rain, mud, or dusty roads.
  • After Cleaning Your Chain: If you’ve recently cleaned your chain, make sure to apply lubricant afterward to ensure optimal performance. Cleaning removes old lube, dirt, and debris that can wear out the chain, so re-lubing is essential to prevent rust and friction.
  • After Riding in Wet or Muddy Conditions: If your ride involves wet, rainy, or muddy conditions, it’s important to clean and lubricate your chain afterward. Water can wash away the lubrication, leading to rust and damage over time.
  • When You Hear Noise or Feel Resistance: If your chain starts to sound noisy or you feel resistance while riding, it’s a sign that the chain may be dry and in need of lubrication.

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